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Bye-bye Calder!

Peter Ryaux-Larsen

Grab your tissues and dab your eyes because it’s (soon) time to say goodbye. Yes, we’d like to announce that there are only a few events left to enjoy the magnificent location that first launched Piknic Electronik’s entire journey. After 14 beautiful seasons of dancing underneath the wonderful Homme de Calder statue, Piknic Électronik is moving! As you may have heard (or not have heard) in the news, Parc Jean-Drapeau will be undergoing massive renovations next year, which will require us to move our event series from its original location.

Until then however, IT AIN’T OVER. We still have FOUR weekends left for the 2016 season. Come enjoy a few final moments at this wonderful site (which we will miss) and say bye-bye to “l’Homme” that has accompanied you on some many musical journeys (we’ll miss him too). Admire him, cherish him and dance underneath his watchful gaze a few more times. Now is the moment to jump headfirst into nostalgia and even make some new memories.

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Oh and by the way, we know what you’re about to say, don’t even THINK of asking us where Piknic’s 15th season is taking place, ‘cause we’re not telling. #secret #surprise

Happy end of the season Piknic fans. We’ll see you on the dance floor (we might get a bit emotional)!

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