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AEIOU (pronounced vowels) is the long time collaborative dancefloor driven moniker of Jon ‘JVBT’ Venditti & Marco ‘Lentils’ Tafuri.

The two first crossed paths back in 2009. Having shared a mutual circle of friends and both being part of Montreal’s thriving local music scene, they were quick to become friends. At the time, Jon had been deeply involved in promoting live bands in the local circuit and was about to steer out and start promoting and curating something that was almost unheard of at the time in the city.. electro music. Lentils was the first live electronic act he would ever book and within months the two (along with The W4rriors, Sexphish, Dan Marin, Justin Trance & Eskimosa to name a few) had assembled their first dj crew, the legendary SjrKrew. For 2 years the Krew, along with a team of creative artists (Kary L, Mike V, Cody Elle, Tasha M, Derick G..) hosted wildly themed electro raves in a haunted mansion in downtown Montreal transforming it to everything from an ‘80’s prom night’ to an ‘Intergalactic Superhero Convention’. The hype became real and soon after a new market of club nights started sprouting up throughout the city and the SJRK was brought in to lead the flocks of raging youth to new venues who weren’t afraid to step outside the realm of Top 40 & dancehall. In late 2010; citing many creative differences, the SjrKrew was dissolving and they decided to call it quits. Lentils went on to focus on his original productions and Jon went on to co-found Big Tooth with The W4rriors.

By mid 2011; Jon had dove so deep into getting Big Tooth and The W4rriors off the ground, there wasn’t much time for music. The crowds were getting bigger and the scene was growing stronger. Time was becoming more and more sparse and then to add on to it all; BT decided to launch a festival.. In the summer of 2012, Valhalla Sound Circus was born. Despite all this, the 2 remained close friends. They would still jam from time to time, mostly warming up the crowds at many SKINS parties; but it wouldn’t be until VSC ‘12 that our duo would find themselves with back to back slots on the main-stage and finally get jam out like the old days.. The spark had been lit and our boys were back in business. From that day forward they would no longer be listed as any old back to back set but instead they would be listed as their new projet: AEIOU.

First appearing in early 2013, the name AEIOU was originally a mere farce on an ongoing trend at the time in which bands/acts thought it cool to drop all the vowels in their names (MSTRKRFT, MGMT, STRFKR, ect..) What started a an inside joke between the two “(..) well if they don’t want them; we’ll just take them all!” soon became a thing and within no time, AEIOU started billing with international acts the likes of The Sneekers and Zed’s Dead bringing their unique blend of techno driven good vibes house and quickly becoming quite the recognizable attraction to anyone active in Montreal’s infamous underground nightlife scene and the Canadian festival circuit.

In 2015, the duo set off the bite their biggest piece of the pie to date. Branching out to start a new collective of freshness seeking enthusiasts, along with Montreal’s techno queen White and international ‘Don’ MarcbookPro (aka Construct); ConkreteMTL. Once again our dynamic duo find themselves at the helm of a movement looking to push forward the sonar boundaries of what is acceptable to the slew of dancefloors from coast to coast and now they’re coming for you..

See you on the dancefloor.


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