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Focus Piknic | Louisahhh

Pour l’entrevue Focus de cette semaine, on jase avec Louisahhh, véritable guerrière des pistes de danse qui tire sur tous les fronts et explore à peu près tout ce que le monde de la dance music peut offrir. Dès qu’on est familier avec son travail, on se rend compte qu’on la remarque partout. En tant que DJ, productrice, fondatrice de label et chanteuse, elle a travaillé avec des artistes tels que Brodinski, Danny Daze et Chromeo, publié des chansons et remixes sur divers labels dont Bromance, Circus Company et Hot Creations, joué dans les plus gros clubs et festivals du circuit mondial et, avec son compère de production Maelstrom, lancé sur le label RAAR, qu’ils ont fondé ensemble, des titres signés par Dave Clarke, JoeFarr et d’autres encore.

Cette liste de collaborations un peu inattendue par son éclectisme témoigne du l’étendue du talent et de la polyvalence de Louisahhh. Solidement ancrée en techno avec un style que sa propre bio décrit comme « dur mais tendre », elle peut aussi bien plonger en profondeur que frapper fort et de front.

Voulant toujours repousser les limites, elle a mis sur pied le label RAAR qu’elle définit comme « un label techno pour les punk rockers, un label punk rock pour les accros de techno ». Rejetant l’approche habituelle des labels techno, ils diffusent certains titres gratuitement, accompagnent leurs parutions de poésie et autres créations artistiques, et sont toujours à l’affût des artistes les plus fous et les plus confrontants qu’ils puissent dénicher. Tout cela se reflète aussi dans l’audace qui marque profondément ses sets de DJ, comme nous aurons le plaisir de le constater en personne ce dimanche.

RAAR makes a point of operating in it's own unique manner, not like the other labels in the techno scene. Would you prefer all labels operated like RAAR does?

I am actually glad RAAR is unique in it's open source strategy; we are planning to go further down this route as the label progresses. All releases are pressed to vinyl, and are available for free on our website, RAAR.FR . Additionally, sound banks, special versions and unique artwork are available online. We are presently interested in expanding cross disciplines, commissioning artists who inspire and excite us to work on new media to go with releases. Every time we wonder if people will like what we're doing, Maelstrom remind each other that our goal is not to be liked, but to push boundaries, release important work, delight in the process. If there is a band of merry pranksters, rebels and wildings that want to pick up what we're throwing down, awesome, but RAAR is a practice of necessity, not commercial viability. I guess to answer your question, if all record companies ran like RAAR did, the record industry would shatter entirely; 'Benevolent Anarchy' is our endgame.

In past interviews you’ve talked about the need to provide a space to “nurture the upsetters” and the pleasure of playing for enthusiastic, open-minded, musically educated crowds. Do you adjust your performances when playing in spaces that feel less nurturing or open-minded?

Especially at the beginning of my career, I've had to do a lot of compromising with crowds, playing 'entertainer' instead of 'artist, because that's the job I was hired to do. I remember reading a great interview with DJ AM in the now defunct 'Urb' Magazine where he talked about 'catering to the lowest common denominator, and educating them', and I try to remember the art and beauty in doing that when I want to punish a crowd for not 'getting it' or being resisting to try something new. Now that I am more established in my sound, and I have the great privilege of people hiring me to be myself, and I have to adjust A LOT LESS. The goal at the end of the day is to authentically channel what the crowd needs, through noise. Subliminal psychic healing that will look different every night.

What is your best memory as a DJ?

I get to make a new 'best memory' every weekend, it's absurd. The most recent one is from our RAAR party at Off Sonar in Barcelona on June 16. It was my first time playing a Sonar event and it was just an incredible privilege to watch the ethos of the label transcend a room. I deeply love and respect everyone involved (Maelstrom, Dave Clarke, Joe Farr, who played), and it was just magical to have evidence of the work we're doing, the music we're releasing, have a broader effect of this energy we're putting into the world. Also, every time I get to play with Mael is truly a gift.

What song first got you into electronic music? Does it still fit with the music you like today?

When I first started DJing, the first two tracks I learned to beat-match were 'Blue Monday' (New Order) and 'Can't Get You Out of My Head' (Kylie Minogue), I probably wouldn't play the latter, but would definitely play New Order in present sets.

If you could have a picnic anywhere in the world, where would you go?

I live right next to one of the best parks in Paris, the Buttes Chaumont. It is one of the most magnificent views in the world, and has ample lawns for picnicking upon. If it's too crowded (summer's here), I'd like to check out Iceland.

Don't miss Louisahhh when she closes Piknic on Sunday, July 3rd from 7pm-9:30pm.

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